


The Foundation houses a library of books, articles and recordings that describe stepfamily dynamics and the actions necessary to address and resolve stepfamily specific difficulties.


Hours of Operation:


                10:00 am  to 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday

                10:00 am to 12:00 noon Fridays


Please call 245-5744 regarding other hours.


Lending Policy: 

Most materials in the library can be borrowed for a two-week period.  Please note that a fully refundable deposit (equivalent to the replacement value of the item) is required for all materials leaving the Foundation.

For more information or an appointment contact:

The Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Phone: (403) 245-5744   


The information contained on this page is for the personal use of stepfamily members visiting this web site. All other use, reproduction, distribution or storage of this work, in whole or in part, by any and all means, without the express written permission of the author, is strictly prohibited.


Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta