
83. Have you and your partner discussed the extent that he/she wants you to take initiative for disciplining his/her children? 

84. Does your partner allow you to have “heart-to-heart” discussions with his/her children without “butting in”?

85. Do you ever have one-on-one time with your stepchild(ren)?

86. Do your stepchildren ever see you as being more of a “neutral” party than your partner (and therefore decide to discuss an issue of concern with you before their mom/dad hears about it)?

87. Do your stepchildren greet you politely?

88. Do your stepchildren abide by sanctions or restrictions you have imposed on them?

89. Does your partner undermine the sanctions or restrictions you impose upon his/her kids?

90. Do your stepchildren show fond regard for you?


If 10 seconds have passed and you are still waiting for the confirmation message, name the musical instrument mentioned in "Oh Suzannah".

Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta.
Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved.
Revised: June 21, 2014