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Money and Finances Survey


Purpose: This survey was designed to: a) catalogue the kinds of financial difficulties that are common place for stepfamilies, and b) to identify the best strategies to address and resolve them.

Instructions: Complete all items as indicated. You may leave items marked "optional" blank, but all other items require an answer.


Type your name (optional):

Type your email address (optional):

Select your gender:

Select your age:

Select your spouse's gender:


Select your spouse's age:


Select the total number of years you have been in your present relationship:


Select the total number of years you have been living together:


Select the total number of years you have been married:


Total number of kids living in your stepfamily:


Total number of "full-time" kids living in your home now:


Total number of "part-time" kids living in your home now:


Total number of "Her Kids" living in your home now:


Total number of "His Kids" living in your home now:


Total number of "Our Kids" living in your home now: 

Select the current ages of all "full-time" and "part-time" kids living in the home:

(Check all that apply. Don't worry if two or more kids are the same age. In this survey we are primarily interested in the age levels present in the home.)

less than 1 1 year old
2 years old 3 years old
4 years old 5 years old
6 years old 7 years old
8 years old 9 years old
10 years old 11 years old
12 years old 13 years old
14 years old 15 years old
16 years old 17 years old
18 years old 19 years old
20 years old 21 years old
22 years old 23 years old
24 years old 25 years old
over 25 yrs  


How satisfied are you with your current circumstances as a stepfamily?


How satisfied are you with your current circumstances as a couple?


Which of the following do you feel is the "number one" problem for you as a couple, or for the family right now?


Which of the following do you feel is the "number two" problem for you as a couple, or for the family right now?


Which of the following do you feel is the "number three" problem for you as a couple, or for the family right now?


When taken together, how bothersome are the problems you are currently having as a couple, or in your family right now?


Have you and/or your spouse ever taken a course on stepfamilies?


If so, was it helpful?


Have you and/or your spouse ever seen a counsellor regarding concerns with your present stepfamily?


If so, was it helpful?


Select "Her" income range:


Select "His" income range:

In as much detail as you feel is necessary, please describe, by typing in the box below, the kinds of difficulties you were having, or are currently having with money and finances. Feel free to use examples if they will help.


In the box below, explain how you solved this/these problem(s). (If you haven't solved it/them yet, describe the actions that you have undertaken that seem to have been helpful.)


Password: Finally, to prevent webbots from using this site to send spam, type the answer to this question in the following text box: l0 x l =

All Finished!

Thank you for your time and effort.

Now, click the "Submit" button to forward your answers to the Research Team.

In a few seconds a message will appear to let you know if your answers were accurately received.





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Stepfamily Foundation of Alberta